VAS Brochure
How do you rate the support VAS provides?
“We have had a support agreement with VAS for the past 4 years for our 3 distribution centers. VAS always responds within our Support Level Agreement and is able to quickly resolve issues that arise. I would like to add that in addition to quickly resolving a problem, VAS is always looking for means to permanently correct issues. This has resulted in a great reduction of required support. We have a great relationship with VAS; they not only provide support but are always looking for means to improve the productivity of our system.”
What has been the productivity impact of your Mandate system?
“Our Mandate based system has been installed and running for over 11 years. Our company has distribution centers throughout the world. For picking individual piece pick operations (split case), the Mandate based system has provided the highest productivity. I would also like to comment on VAS support of our operation. Engineers at VAS designed our system many years ago. We are still able to call on them for support and they have been most helpful to us.
How do you feel about the system VAS provided you?
“To be honest, when we were first establishing requirements and evaluating methods to solve our new low velocity product fulfillment system we had never heard of VAS. As it turned out, we selected a very qualified provider for our conveyance control system and they recommended VAS. We went to one of the sites that they had previously implemented and we were impressed but still uncertain. Then we began to work with them and we were convinced that they could do the job. The facility has been operational for over a year and we are very pleased. The design that they were required to provide was based on some very intricate planning in order to operate. They introduced us to adaptive real time dynamic planning during the implementation of our static predictive requirements. Since operation began we have seen the benefits that adaptive planning can yield and we have since asked them to upgrade our system to use their adaptive features. To answer your question, of how we feel about the system VAS provided we can say that they worked consistently throughout the initial project to see that the entire system would operate to our expectations. They have been there consistently to support us and we are now looking forward to the added improvements that we expect using their adaptive technology.”
Why did you select VAS?
“Well, that is really a difficult question. I’d suppose that everyone would have their own reason but for us it was primarily to their willingness to listen to our needs. They were the only ones that understood that our distribution system was really operating as a production facility. We needed to bring bulk product in, combine and re-package it and then provide quite a deal of value added services. We needed tight control over the process and we needed to be able to respond quickly to unforeseen conditions. We use the adaptive features of their systems everyday. It would have been better to ask us “If we had to do it all over again would we select VAS?” Here the answer is not difficult at all. Absolutely yes!”